Detlef Gunther has been Full Professor for Trace Element and Micro Analysis a t ETH Zürich since 2008. From 2010 until 2012 he was Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences at ETH Zurich and since 2015 he is Vice President for Research an d Corporate Relations at ETH Zurich . His research program focuses on fundamental and applied s tudies in ICP- MS and LA -ICP-MS, including studies on laser-sample interaction, aerosol transport, and plasma- re lated excitation processes, particle plasma interaction and particle vaporization for single nanoparticle analysis. Fundamental processes of UV -ns and UV-fs laser ablation used with Q-ICP- MS, SF -ICP-MS, TOF-ICP-MS, and MC-ICP-MS as well as alternative excitation sources, such as glow discharg e are currently under investigation.