Alexander Alexeyevich Makarov received both his MSc (1989) and PhD (1992) from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. After defending his PhD thesis and joining the General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, he became a post-doc in Warwick University where he got involved in tandem mass spectrometry.
Alexander A. Makarov led the HD Technologies team that developed the Orbitrap mass analyzer commercialized by the Thermo Scientific Corporation. For his role in the development of Orbitrap technology, Alexander A; Makarov received the Heinrich-Emmanuel Merck Award (2007), Award for Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry of American Society for Mass Spectrometry (2008), Gold Award of the Russian Society for Mass Spectrometry (2007), Curt Brunnee Research Award (2009), Science and Technology Award of the Human Proteome Organization (2011) and others.
In November 2013 he was appointed Professor at the Department of Chemistry and the Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research of Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
Alexander A. Makarov has authored more than 40 papers and holds more than 50 patents and patent applications.